Instagram Comment Filtering

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2 min readMar 12, 2022

Instagram is in great competition with other social networking sites. Instagram, which wants to get a big share of the cake, continues to work actively to be permanent in the sector with frequent new updates. Recently, it has succeeded in satisfying its users by bringing a popular feature. In fact, the feature that has existed for years has recently been discovered by users. Thanks to the Instagram Comment Filtering feature, users who do not have to see unwanted comments under the posts do not have to take time to delete these bad comments.

Thanks to Instagram Comment Filtering, unwanted words or offensive comments are deleted without falling into your posts. This feature is a relief for many users. So much so that thousands of bad comments coming under the sharing of phenomena or popular users are automatically eliminated thanks to this feature. The Instagram Comment Filtering feature eliminates sexual, insulting or abusive comments above criticism, allowing ugly images to be deleted before they spread.

How Does Instagram Comment Filtering Feature Work?

The words you choose to filter comments are entirely in your hands. In order not to be exposed to a bad comment, the comments within the words you specify manually are deleted instantly. In this way, any comment you do not want to see will disappear before you and your buy Instagram followers Australia to see. Malicious people exist in every aspect of our lives, as well as in social media accounts. The Instagram comment filtering feature, which does not give such people an opportunity, has been a golden feature for users.

To activate the Instagram comment filtering feature, simply follow the steps below.

Login to your Instagram account.

Click on the three spots in the upper right corner of your profile.

You will be in the settings section.

Enter the privacy button.

Click on the Comments tab under the Interactions heading.

Enable the Hide Offensive/Offensive Comments option.

If you activate the Manual Filter option, the comments made with the words you selected will be deleted automatically.

You can be selective in the comments if you follow the steps as described above. Manual filter option is one of the most used features. In this way, many users continue to use their social media accounts without being exposed to sexually explicit, abusive and derogatory comments.

In addition to the comment filtering option on Instagram, you can also block all comments from an unwanted user. By following the steps above, the comments of a user you select from the Block Comments of People from the same page will be blocked before they fall on your posts.

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